
Iphoto to photos
Iphoto to photos

While pieces of Apple’s new photo strategy still remain unclear, it’s likely we’ll get a more complete look at their vision for photos perhaps this fall before the official launch of iOS 8. As we previously noted, Photos for Mac seems to focus on editing features, rather than professional tools.

iphoto to photos

While screenshots of Photos for Mac show a projects tab, it’s unclear what types of projects will be supported and whether or not these will sync with iOS. It’s safe to assume similar functionality will disappear on the Mac with the launch of its dedicated Photos app early next year.

iphoto to photos

Ironically, at the time Cards was discontinued, Apple recommended iPhoto as a replacement. It’s clear now that Photo Journals, along with Slideshows and Books will be going the way of the ill-fated Cards app when iOS 8 is officially launched this fall. However, some users of iOS 8 beta 4 are still seeing a rather generic “iPhoto is not supported on iOS 8” message, as depicted below.Īpple launched Photo Journals back in 2012, as part of the introduction of both iPhoto for iOS as well as the iPad 3. It appears now that Apple intends to provide a smoother upgrade path to Photos.


Starting in iOS 8 beta 1, users were prompted that projects had been moved to the Photos app, but given no real explanation as to where or how to make the transition to Photos. Right now, Apple’s “Learn More” link appears to be dead. Starting in iOS 8 beta 4, which was released this past Monday to developers, Apple has begun notifying users of the soon-to-be-defunct iPhoto for iOS to migrate their iPhoto data to the totally revamped Photos app in iOS 8, as part of Apple’s new photo strategy being rolled out this fall and early next year. While photo data can be migrated out of iPhoto, Apple warns that Journals, Slideshows and Book layouts will no longer be available going forward.

Iphoto to photos